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Flesh & Blood - Pro Quest (Classic Constructed) - 5/28/2022

Flesh & Blood - Pro Quest (Classic Constructed) - 5/28/2022

Out of stock.
  • Description

    Hello and welcome to our ProQuest Q2 for Paris Event!  This event is held on 5/28/2022 @ 10:00AM.  We can seat a maximum of 64 players.  This event sold out a month in advance last time, so keep that in mind during your planning.  ProQuest Q2 is Classic Constructed, and entry fee will be $40.00  There will be cash prizing based on # of attendants as well as prize support given by LSS.  Typically, we start at 10:00AM, take a 1 hour lunch break after round 3, then do rounds 4 - 6 before cutting to a top 8.  We are usually done by 8:00PM.  Please be sure to join the event here as well once you have paid!