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A Hidden Fortress

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Flesh & Blood Classic Constructed League (9/12/2022)

Flesh & Blood Classic Constructed League (9/12/2022)

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  • Description

    A Hidden Fortress Constructed League What is it? We have run leagues in the past for Magic, and felt it was a good time to try to release some more promos and prizing into the wild and give folks an opportunity to play some more games, on your own time. 6 weeks - 1 pairing per week. You can play on Discord, or come into the store and play your match, but you need to complete it within a 1 week time frame. Since we are currently in Skirmish season and Blitz is the most popular, we will be doing the OPPOSITE and doing Classic Constructed How does it work? Each week, we will post pairings for those involved in the league. You will have to reach out to your opponent to schedule a time that works for both of you during the week. Once you play your best of 1, you will report the scores back to me! Then you wait for your next week matchup. Pairings will be done within GEM, and will be an armory event. This event will not be submitted until all 6 weeks are over, but it will award 3x points. You will be able to change heros each week if you want How much is it? Entry fee is $30. $25 per person goes into the prize pool, and will be paid out in a mix of cash, and in the new "Uprising" set once it releases. The total payout will be determined once we have total number of entrants.