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A Hidden Fortress

Tournament Leaderboard

Welcome to the Tournament Leaderboard!  This page is updated regularly to track your overall points towards the Hidden Fortress Invitational tournament held at the end of every 6 months (generally a week before the release of the newest Magic set).

How it Works:

1) Every Modern event you enter automatically gets you 3 point - win, lose or draw.

2) Every win in an event nets you 3 points, every draw 1 point, and every loss 0 points.

3) At the end of every 6 months (January 1 and June 1) the top 8 people will play in an Invitational event with SWEET PRIZES and NO ENTRY FEE.  We really want to go above and beyond to reward people for playing in our store and being dedicated and loyal.


The current cycle is January 1, 2020 to May 30, 2020.  Keep in mind, that only points earned from our store will apply to the tournament leaderboard.


Below is the leaderboard and the rankings - we hope to see you at as many of our events as possible! (Last updated   3/2/2020)


Modern Constructed:

(Rank)                         Points Earned - Name

(01)                      102 - Dhondup, Yeshi

(02)                      094 - Kennedy, Sam

(03)                      088 - Dewey, Will

(04)                      087 - Fogelstrom, Matt

(05)                      084 - Chiu, Jerren

(06)                      064 - Ma, Andrew

(07)                      059 - Hitt, Brandon

(08)                      055 - Gayatinea, Ryan

(09)                      053 - Hofland, Jeff

(10)                      052 - Larcom, Sean

(11)                      046 - Hutchins, Justin

(12)                      037 - Chua, John

(13)                      036 - Astraquillo, Ian

(14)                      033 - Vaughn, Nathan

(15)                      025 - Zazanis, Frank